Responsible Gaming
The San Manuel Tribal Gaming Commission (SMTGC) is an independent Tribal governmental agency established by the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians (SMBMI), under Tribal law, to regulate gaming activities at Yaamava' Resort & Casino (Casino). As the gaming regulatory authority, the SMTGC ensures the Casino maintains a responsible gambling program that provides contact information for free resources offering treatment, support and prevention assistance to affected individuals. Additionally, the SMTGC ensures that exclusion programs are available, whereby a patron may be denied access to the Gaming Facility and services, either voluntarily or by the request of a third party.
The SMTGC recognizes that problem gambling is a serious issue that can have a devastating impact on the life of the gambler, as well as their family and loved ones. Protecting those who are susceptible to problem gambling is of utmost importance to the tribe, and the SMTGC therefore works diligently to ensure that all related exclusion requests are handled compassionately and processed as expeditiously as possible.
Voluntary Self Exclusion and Prevention Resources
Pursuant to Tribal-State Compact §9.2(c), the SMTGC ensures that the casino(s) maintain a self- exclusion program for problem gambling, whereby a patron may voluntarily be denied access to the Gaming Facility and services.
Self-Exclusion Request Form
Requests for voluntary self-exclusion are processed by the gaming facility’s Guest Services department. Completed forms may be submitted in person or via mail.
Forms submitted via mail must be notarized using the provided Acknowledgement.
Guest Services
777 San Manuel Blvd.
Highland, CA 92346
Alternatively, to avoid visiting the Gaming Facility, forms may be processed in person at an offsite location. To make these arrangements with the Guest Services department, please call (909) 864-5050.
Prevention Resources
The following restrictions may be voluntarily requested or implemented independent of a self-exclusion request.
- Be removed from check cashing and direct marketing lists by contacting the casino’s Guest Services department at (909) 864-5050.
- Block access to funds at certain ATMs and cash access kiosks by enrolling in the Everi STeP program. Visit Everi’s website or dial (844) EVERI24 for details.
- Block access to online gambling on your computer. Visit gamblock.com
Reinstatement Request Form
Self-excluded individuals may request reinstatement after the minimum and irrevocable period specified on their original exclusion request has passed.
Requests for reinstatement are processed by the gaming facility’s Compliance department. Completed forms may be submitted via mail or email.
Yaamava' Resort & Casino
Attention: Guest Services Department
777 San Manuel Blvd.
Highland, CA 92346
Involuntary Exclusion for Problem Gambling
Pursuant to Tribal-State Compact §9.2(d), the SMTGC ensures that the casino(s) maintain an involuntary exclusion program for problem gambling, whereby a patron may be denied access to the Gaming Facility and services by request of a third party.
Only a trained professional can diagnose a gambling disorder. Therefore, in the case of involuntary exclusions due to problem gambling, the SMTGC is limited to and reliant upon the establishment of good cause by the preponderance of complete and factual evidence supplied by the affected third party.
Protecting those who are susceptible to problem gambling is of utmost importance to the tribe, and the SMTGC therefore works diligently to ensure that all involuntary exclusion requests are carefully reviewed, the rights of both parties are upheld, and no such request is approved arbitrarily without due process and establishment of good cause.
Third Party Exclusion Request Form
Requests for the involuntary exclusion of an individual due to problem gambling are processed by the SMTGC. Completed forms may be submitted in person or via mail or email.
San Manuel Tribal Gaming Commission
Attn: Chief Gaming Regulator
27995 Highland Ave.
Highland, CA 92346
Phone: (909) 863-2150 Ext. 605524
Email: [email protected]
Involuntary Exclusion Process:
- Any affected third party desiring to have their parent, spouse, domestic partner, sibling or child excluded from the Gaming Facility due to problem gambling, must submit a completed Third Party Exclusion Request Form, including all necessary support documentation, to the SMTGC.
- Upon receipt of the completed form and support documentation, the SMTGC shall conduct a thorough review to determine if sufficient proof of harm caused by gambling exists, thereby establishing good cause to involuntarily exclude the subject individual.
- If good cause has been established, no final action shall be imposed until after the subject of the exclusion has been afforded the right to a hearing before the Gaming Commissioner(s). The SMTGC will notify the involved parties of their right to present relevant testimony, sworn statements, and documentary evidence to support/dispute the related claims.
- After the hearing, the Commissioner’s written decision shall be issued to the involved parties within 30 days.
- The SMTGC's decision shall be final and cannot be appealed to the Tribal Court.
Any questions regarding the Involuntary Exclusion process may be directed to the SMTGC via phone or email.
Phone: (909) 863-2150 Ext. 605524
Email: [email protected]
Related Resources
California Statewide Problem Gambling Helpline
1.800.GAMBLER (426-2537)
Free, confidential and available 24/7/365
California Council on Problem Gambling
California Office of Problem Gambling
916.327.8611 or text the word “support” to 53342
Gamblers Anonymous (GA)
National Council on Problem Gambling – National Helpline
Text: 1.800.522.4700
24/7 moderated online peer support forum