Gaming Devices
Machine Shipments
No, the Gaming Commission does not allow for this.
The Gaming Commission can approve waiver for software if requested. This approval will be dependent on the reason.
Upon request, the Gaming Commission can approve a waiver up to 10 days before the machine shipment.
Only upon written approval by the Gaming Commission.
Only upon the approval of the Gaming Commission
Class III Gaming Machine and Software Shipments Requirements:
This serves as the notification to Vendor to outline the shipping requirements for San Manuel lands:
Contact information for software and machine shipments:
San Manuel Tribal Gaming Commission
777 San Manuel Blvd.
Highland CA, 92346
Receiving days of operation:
Monday - Friday 5:00 am to 4:00 pm and Saturday 5:00 am to 1:00 pm
Software notifications (24-hour notice)/Machine shipment notifications (14-calendar day notice):
[email protected] is the distribution list utilized to contact all Gaming Commission parties
For Class III Gaming Device shipments (Tribal-State Compact section 2.4), the Shipping Notification Form must be filled out completely, signed, and sent to the email above with the serial numbers of the machines. Any Independent Testing Lab letters (GLI, BMM, etc.) that relate to the software within said machine shipment must also be sent for deliveries. This can be sent to the same email listed above. Hard copies will also be accepted.
For machine shipments, all gaming software must be sent out separate from the machines. For special circumstances, software may be sent with the machines if pre-approved by the Gaming Commission.
Request for software 24-hour notification waiver to overnight software without prior notice:
[email protected]
Customer Notifications/Advisories:
[email protected]
Software inquires:
[email protected]
Class II Gaming Machine and Software Shipments:
The San Manuel Tribal Gaming Commission (SMTGC) has established shipping and receiving protocols for Class II Gaming Systems. Pursuant to GCR016 section VII (g)(1) and 25 CFR 543.8(g)(1), all Class II Vendors, Yaamava' Resort & Casino (Casino), and SMTCG shall implement communication procedures for Class II Gaming System shipments.
Shipments of Class II Gaming Software and equipment (computers, tablets, etc.) with preinstalled Class II Gaming Software shall require notice to the Casino and SMTGC. Class II Gaming Machine (Cabinet style Bingo Technological Aids, regardless of whether gaming software is installed) shipments shall require approval from the SMTGC prior to the shipment. The notification protocols are detailed below.
For any other Class II Gaming System equipment, components, computers without gaming software installed, or peripherals that have not been specifically mentioned in the previous paragraph, the SMTGC designates the Casino to be notified, receive, and verify the contents against the shipping notification. The Casino and Vendor shall work out their process for these items independently. SMTGC does not need to be notified when these items are being transported.
Class II Gaming Software, equipment (computers, tablets, player interfaces) with preinstalled Class II Gaming Software, and Class II Gaming Machines (Cabinet style Bingo Technological Aids) are considered regulatory controlled items that must adhere to the processes listed below for the San Manuel Reservation.
In order for the SMTGC to permit a shipment of Class II Gaming Systems regulatory controlled items to the San Manuel Reservation the following must be true:
- Only shipments from a Vendor licensed by the SMTGC shall be authorized.
- Prior to submission for approval to ship, the Class II Gaming System shall have an approved certification letter, from a SMTGC recognized test laboratory, demonstrating the Class II Gaming System passed testing on 25 CFR 547 Minimum Technical Standards for Gaming Equipment used with the Play of Class II Games.
- The Class II Gaming System has been classified as Class II by SMTGC as required in GCR008. On August 15, 2018, the SMTGC classified the VGT Ovation Bingo System as Class II.
Transporting Class II Gaming Machines (Cabinet style Bingo Technological Aids)
- All Class II Gaming Machines transported to and from the San Manuel Reservation must have an approved Shipment Notice authorizing the transport of the technological aids to the San Manuel Reservation.
- Class II Gaming Machines must be shipped in a secure manner within a locked compartment or container that are not accessible during transport. A numbered seal shall be applied to all access points and documented on the approved Shipment Notification ensuring that the Class II Gaming Machines have not been accessed during transport.
- A minimum of 14-days’ notice is required for any Class II Gaming Machine shipment requests. Requests for Shipment Notification (Attached) must include the following:
- Name and address of the supplier;
- Description of shipment;
- List of Class II Gaming Machines serial number(s);
- Method of shipment;
- Expected date of transport;
- Copy of testing laboratories certification letters;
- Signed contract;
- Vendor representative signature and SMTGC license number on the completed permit;
- Seal number(s) for vehicle(s) transporting the Class II Gaming Machines; and
- Confirmation from the Casino that the shipment request accurately reflects the order placed with the vendor.
- The approved Shipment Notification must be kept with the Manifest or Bill of Lading at all times until delivery has been completed.
- Class II notifications or requests for a waiver shall be sent to [email protected] (preferred method) or faxed to (909) 863-2153.
Note: The Class II Gaming System have been classified as Class II by the SMTGC, and therefore not a Slot Machine (electromechanical facsimile of a game chance) which does not require notification to the State and local sheriff as required in the Compact for Class III Gaming Devices.
Transporting Class II Gaming Machines (Cabinet style Bingo Technological Aids)
All Class II Gaming Software and equipment with installed Class II Gaming Software shall be sent to the SMTGC. The Slot Department and Information Technology Department (IT) shall only receive Class II Gaming Software or equipment with installed Class II Gaming Software from SMTGC. In the event the Vendor mistakenly brings these items to the Slot or IT Department, the licensed employee shall direct the Vendor to deliver the product to SMTGC.
The Vendor shall send notifications to the SMTGC and Casino for all Class II Gaming Software or equipment with installed Class II Gaming Software transporting to or from the San Manuel Reservation. The SMTGC requires that the Vendor provide 24-hour notice for all Class II Gaming Software being transported to or from the San Manuel Reservation.
In circumstances where it is prudent and/or necessary to install Class II Gaming Software on equipment in advance, the manufacturers can seek written permission from the Gaming Compliance Director, who may stipulate conditions depending on the risks associated with the equipment. Request for waiver shall be sent seven (7) days in advance of the delivery date to provide adequate time for processing.
The notification shall include the following for each shipment:
- Name and address of the supplier;
- Description of shipment;
- List of equipment serial number(s);
- Method of shipment;
- Expected date of delivery to or leaving from the San Manuel Reservation;
- Copy of testing laboratories certification letters.
There is no required format provided all of the above-mentioned information is documented. Class II notifications or requests for a waiver shall be sent to [email protected] (preferred method) or faxed to (909) 863-2153.
General Information
Software Shipping Address:
San Manuel Tribal Gaming Commission
777 San Manuel Blvd
Highland, CA 92346
The SMTGC does permit the Vendor to deliver Class II Gaming Software and equipment with installed Class II Gaming Software to the Casino themselves provided it is immediately delivered to a representative of the San Manuel Tribal Gaming Commission once the Vendor arrives at the Casino. The same notice to the San Manuel Tribal Gaming Commission is required, as with any shipment, the only difference would be indicated in the method shipped.
Technical Standards Adopted by the Gaming Commission:
Class III:
GLI-11 Gaming Devices
GLI-12 Progressive Gaming Devices in Casinos
GLI-13 On-Line Monitoring and Control Systems
GLI-16 Cashless Systems in Casinos
GLI-17 Bonusing Systems in Casinos
GLI-18 Promotional Systems in Casinos
GLI-20 Kiosks
GLI-21 Client-Server Systems
GLI-24 Electronic Table Game Systems
GLI-25 Dealer Controlled Electronic Table Games
GLI-26 Wireless Gaming Systems
GLI-27 Network Security Best Practices
GLI-28 Player User Interface Systems
GLI-29 Card Shufflers and Dealer Shoes
GLI-33 Event Wagering Systems