Tribal Government's Departments | San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
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Tribal Government Departments

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Our self-governing nation has established tribally-managed departments to support and enhance services on our Reservation.


Environmental Protection

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The San Manuel Environmental Department (SMED) strives to protect our land, resources, and traditions on the Reservation through unwavering stewardship and community outreach. Our people have always been environmental stewards of natural resources so SMED incorporates traditional knowledge with modern technologies to implement an elite hybrid of best management practices.

Environmental Manager
Clifford Batten, P.G
[email protected]
Office Number (909) 425-3590 x10-4309

Public Safety


The Department of Public Safety (DPS) establishes a safe environment for all those who work and/or live on our Reservation and Casino. DPS works in partnership with the surrounding communities to protect lives, property, and quality of life within and around our Reservation. The Department is committed to creating the safest environment through continuous community service, training, and education. DPS works closely in aiding the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Office to provide ongoing law enforcement under an existing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

The department serves as an outstanding example of broader, cooperative, and government-to-government relationship that exemplifies San Manuel as a responsive and responsible tribal government.

Director of Patrol Services
Eric Charraette
[email protected]
Office Number (909) 863-5899 x10-2635



Fire Department


The San Manuel Fire Department (SMFD) provides emergency and non-emergency services to protect the lives and property of our Tribal Citizens, employees, patrons, and guests of our Reservation. SMFD also safeguards environmental, cultural, and economic resources.

Critical to the San Manuel Fire Department’s mission is to develop, implement, and maintain innovative prevention programs and strategies, as well as safety education and training for our community. 


SMFD fosters partnerships with other tribal departments, as well as outside public safety agencies, to promote a dynamic emergency response capability.

SMFD operates from a state-of-the-art fire station in service since June 2004. This facility serves as headquarters, training center, and firehouse and encompasses approximately 14,000 square feet. The Fire Chief heads a department of 32 full-time employees, including administrative staff.


San Manuel Fire Department
[email protected]
Office Number (909) 864-6928

Tribal Family Services

Tribal Family Services

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The Tribal Family Services Department (TFSD) provides health and wellness support and services to our community members. TFSD takes a holistic and culturally informed approach focusing on the prevention of poverty. In order to enhance the quality and longevity of life for our Tribal Community, TFSD provides counseling, coordinates community events, and handles specialized case management.

Director of Tribal Family Services
David Camplin, LMFT
[email protected]
Office Number (909) 425-3409
Work Cell (909) 838-8112



The San Manuel Department of Education (SMDE) assists in implementing our Tribe’s educational vision. SMDE continues to build its administrative foundation, expand existing educational services and programs, and develop exciting educational opportunities for Tribal families.

Want to bring a cultural presentation to your school/organization?

Fill out the Cultural Presentation Request Form and email it to the Education Department.

Community Educational Partnerships Associate Director
Yessenia Cervantes
[email protected]
Office Number (909) 686-7084

Yucca Harvest
San Manuel Topping Off Beam Being Raised

Construction & Development

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The Construction and Development Department creates and manages Tribal real estate development plans and projects to meet our vision of sustainability and growth for generations to come.

Executive Assistant
Selena Padilla
[email protected]
Office Number (909) 864-5050 x10-3404

Intergovernmental Affairs


The Intergovernmental Affairs Department (IGA) enhances, promotes, and protects the sovereignty of our Tribal and other Native American governments.

IGA works with Tribal leadership on federal and state legislation, while keeping our Tribe informed of any proposed public policy initiatives that could involve our community. In order to advance our Tribe’s government affairs agenda, IGA maintains and develops relationships with important legislative and political leaders. IGA also supports all departments within our Tribe that may be directly affected by legislative or policy changes.

Chief Intergovernmental Affairs Officer
Dan Little
[email protected]
Office Number (909) 864-5050

CA State Capital
Tribal Basket Handing

Tribal Community Services

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The Tribal Community Services (TCS) Department is responsible for ensuring the Tribal Citizens, their families, and the community come first. The department has been put in place to support the objectives set forth by the Tribe, Tribal Council, and Executive Leadership Cabinet. Being that the Tribe First Culture is top of mind, Tribal Community Services, Tribal Community Administration, and Tribal Safeguard Concierges (DPS) each have a specific role in ensuring the highest level of service is provided. The department’s goal is to deliver a “Tribe First Experience” every time. 

Director Tribal Community Administration
Stephanie Short-Smith
Office Number (909) 864-5050 x50-3448

Cultural Resources Management


The Cultural Resources Management (CRM) Department is tasked by the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians (SMBMI) Tribal leadership to advocate for, protect, preserve, and promote cultural resources of Tribal importance and concern throughout the Tribe’s 7.4 million-acre ancestral territory. As part of our Tribal consultation efforts with our local, state, and federal partners, the CRM staff conduct in excess of 200 individual consultation meetings, conference calls, and field visits each year. Furthermore, in a typical year, the Tribal Monitors representing SMBMI participate in no less than 3-4 dozen construction projects across Serrano territory—both on and off our Reservation.

Cultural Resources Managment

In addition to the regulatory compliance-based work undertaken by the CRM Department, we also work to protect, preserve, and promote cultural resources by maintaining and developing the Tribal Cultural Resources Archive, which includes the Tribe’s basket collection, as well as over 250 linear feet of photographs, maps, documents, and artifacts.  

Finally, to advance its heritage stewardship objectives, the CRM team also facilitates the Cultural Advisory Working Group gatherings; researches sacred and cultural landscapes and nominates them to state and federal registries of historic places; assists the Tribal Community in repatriating and reburying ancestors and funerary objects; and conducts and supports educational and cultural revitalization initiatives both within and outside of the Tribal Government and its businesses. 

Cultural Resources Management
[email protected]
Office Number (909) 864-8933

