About San Manuel Tribal Gaming Commission | San Manuel Band of Mission Indians
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Procurement Services

Procurement Services


We actively collaborate with Yaamava' Resort & Casino, Bear Springs Hotel and the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians to implement new ways to contain costs. Many aspects of the enterprise-wide strategic sourcing program were developed in concert with unit-level purchasing experts from across the organization. 

We manage a diverse selection of goods and services used by the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians and all of its interests. We establish and handle all supplier relationships with the organization and have signatory authority for all supplier contracts. We are committed to providing exemplary service to the Tribe and to our suppliers, and to conducting San Manuel's purchasing initiatives in an ethical and sustainable manner.

US Flag and San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Flag

Our Mission


At San Manuel, our Mission and Vision set the foundation for everything we do. They create our results-driven performance; promote character, continuous improvement, and values of integrity. They drive us to conduct business with transparency, respect, and an appropriate sense of responsibility to each other, our business partners, and the community. We demand this of ourselves, and we intentionally choose to do business with vendors who share these values and sense of responsibly.
