Seven Fourth of July Safety Tips | smbmi

Seven Fourth of July Safety Tips

Seven Fourth of July Safety Tips

October 26, 2022 • 3 min read
San Manuel Fire Safety

Celebrating our nation’s independence has its share of traditions, and the most popular is the enjoyment of fireworks.

As California’s drought reaches severe levels, coupled with the sweltering heat of the summer season, the traditions of Fourth of July come with high risks. Therefore, California fire chiefs encourage everyone to enjoy the excitement and spectacle of a professional firework show that is safe and inspirational.

Legal fireworks, often called “safe and sane” fireworks, are sold from permitted stands beginning the last week of June up until July 6 to people who are at least 18 years old. If you choose to use fireworks at home, here are seven tips and reminders from the San Manuel Fire Department to enjoy the holiday safely:

1.     Never allow young children to play with or light fireworks.

2.     Only light fireworks one at a time and move back quickly once they are lit.

3.     Do not allow any running or horseplay around lit fireworks.

4.     Never point or throw fireworks at another person.

5.     Never try to re-light or pick-up fireworks that are “duds.”

6.     Keep a bucket of water or garden hose nearby in case of an emergency.

7.     After fireworks have ignited, douse them with water before putting them in the trash.

Fire departments across the country are kept very busy every Fourth of July by responding to firework-related incidents that can be avoided. Let’s all work together to make Fourth of July a happy and safe holiday.

Fire Safety

Media Contact:

Robin Alcantara

Senior Public Relations Specialist

[email protected]

(909) 838-3512
