San Manuel’s Unique Fire Safety Team | smbmi

San Manuel’s Unique Fire Safety Team

San Manuel’s Unique Fire Safety Team

November 30, 2022 • 2 min read
Unique Team

Each summer season presents the added dangers of dry conditions and high winds in Southern California. The San Manuel Fire Department has recruited a unique set of firefighters to combat those risks that can ignite fires – a herd of goats.

Since 2019, goats have worked to clear brush on the Reservation and Arrowhead Springs Resort to help minimize the risk. More than 500 goats are part of ongoing fire fuel reduction efforts, which encompasses clearing brush and setting up defensible space for San Manuel maintenance crews.

Goats may seem like an unlikely choice for clearing fire fuel, but they are well suited for this crucial task. The four-legged animals are natural form of brush-clearing techniques, as they can navigate the terrain and are environmentally friendly as opposed to heavy machinery. The brush that covers the hillsides is an ideal food source as goats favor food at eye level, which helps preserve the land and any cultural artifacts that have yet to be discovered.

Fire Safety

Media Contact:

Robin Alcantara

Senior Public Relations Specialist

[email protected]

(909) 838-3512
